Review of
by Bob Heather
from the

SURPRISE ME DARLING ~ A play by Bob Heather
Published by Lazy Bee Scripts ~ Cast: F4, M5

This witty comedy takes the old adage of being careful what you wish for to its fullest extent. John and Chrissie have been married for two years and its become evident that romantic gestures and buying presents isn't one of John's fortes. Despite the best intentions in the world he just has no idea. After a last-minute, incident -ridden dinner party, John decides to mend his ways and surprise Chrissie more often. He is about to find out though that mastering the art of surprise is no easy feat. With a cast of nine, this is a comedy that will have you wincing at times with the near pin-point accuracy of the relationship comments it makes. The women in the audience will nod their heads gleefully as the blokes miss the point. With three surprises in the final scene, this comedy is sure to delight audiences in search of a great night's entertainment.